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The 4-Step Plan

In this report I am going to give you a 4-step plan for building your own

“Automatic Money Machine.” And if you follow the steps and take immediate action, you should be able to turn a profit in 30 days or less.
The business model you are about to learn is actually quite simple. In fact, it only consists of four steps:

Step 1: Select a Profitable Market 
Step 2: Set Up Your Sales Funnel 
Step 3: Set Up Your Affiliate Center
Step 4: Recruit Your Affiliate Team

I truly believe that this is the fastest, easiest, surefire way for a newbie to start making money online. Sure, there are some technical aspects to consider. But if you can use a word processor, you can make this system work.
And once you set this up, it will continue to rake in cash on complete autopilot! I know, that sounds like hype. But it’s absolutely true!
And here’s the best part…
“You won’t ever have to PAY for traffic!”
Your affiliates will generate traffic and build your list and you won’t have to pay anything unless they make a sale (zero risk - big profit potential).

Ok, back to the business plan…

Step 1: Select a Profitable Market

The first step is to select a market that you know will be profitable. Forget about brainstorming ideas…Just go straight to the ClickBank marketplace and select one of the top-selling products in a category that interests you.
You don’t necessarily have to be passionate about that market. But you should have enough interest to write about it and promote it to other people.

What Makes a Market Profitable?
Any market that helps people make money, save money or improve their life in some way will be profitable.
Each market can be broken down into sub-markets are niches. For example, the
“Make Money” market can be broken down into:

•    Internet marketing (my favorite)
•    Forex trading
•    Real estate investments
•    Gambling (horse betting, poker, etc.)
•    Multi-Level Marketing

Here’s my 3-step litmus test for determining a market’s profitability:

1.  Are there successful products being sold?
2.  Are affiliates making money?
3.  Are there additional products to sell?

Since you’re in the information business, you need to make sure that there are digital products to sell. You also need to know if there is money already being made by other affiliates promoting those products. And finally, you need to be sure that there are multiple products to sell to your list.

Again, just go to the ClickBank Marketplace and browse through the categories. If you find a product in the top 20 positions, then you have a likely candidate.

If the product has high gravity and the percentage referred is also high, you know there are affiliates making money. And that also means there is money being made in that market.

The last step is to find out if there are additional products to sell (otherwise, you’ll be limited to making money on the front-end sale).

Some examples would be:

•    Resell rights products
•    Membership sites (recurring income)
•    Online services (i.e. Aweber)
•    Physical products (DVDs, Home Stud Course, etc.)
•    Seminars, teleseminars, webinars, etc.

Sidebar: I love the Internet marketing niche because there is no shortage of products and services to sell and promote to your list. The only hard part is determining the winners from the losers. But you learn that over time.

You can find products to promote in just about any market. Just search on

Google for: [keyword] affiliate program. I have found DVDs on dog training for

$129 and membership sites with daily stock market tips for $47 per month. The products are out there…you just have to find them.

Some other places to look for affiliate programs are:


Once you’ve found a profitable market, it’s time to move on to the next step…
Step 2: Set Up Your Sales Funnel

The concept of the sales funnel has been around for a long time in offline marketing and it’s also been referred to as the sales process or pipeline. The concept of a sales funnel is easy to understand because the image of a funnel is a good graphical representation of what actually happens.

Here’s one example of a typical Internet marketing sales funnel:
At the top of the funnel, you have Traffic.
These are prospects that are looking for something to fulfill their needs.
When a prospect opts in to your list, they become a lead and automatically receive free content and offers via email.
When a lead makes a purchase, they get added to a customer list and removed from the lead list (this step can be automated).

At the bottom of the funnel, you have your
very best customers. These are people who make repeat purchases for related
and services. The ultimate goal is to sell higher-priced products and continuity programs to your customers.

There are specific steps that prospects have to go through to move from the top of the funnel to the bottom and, of course, people can fall out of the funnel at any step of the process for many different reasons.

Your challenge is to create a sales funnel that converts enough prospects into buyers to make it profitable and then fine tune the process to maximize the number of repeat customers you have in the funnel.

To set up your sales funnel, you will need:

•    An opt-in page to capture leads
•    Followup messages to pre-sell your prospects
•    A salesletter to convert leads into buyers
•    A registration page to add buyers to a customer list
•    A download page to deliver the product
•    Followup messages to convert buyers into customers

The technical aspects of this step will be discussed in another report. But it’s important that you grasp the concept and understand that everything can be automated by software and a little hard work.

Let’s move on to the next step…

Step 3: Set Up Your Affiliate Center

Successful affiliates are usually busy trying to generate traffic and they have very little time to look for new products and plan campaigns. So you want to make it copy-and-paste easy for them to promote you.

You need to give them tools they can use to promote your product and then give them an action plan to implement…

For example, tell your affiliates to:

1.  Send these solo ads your list
2.  Add these banners to your site
3.  Post these articles on your blog
4.  Place these text ads on Google
5.  Brand this report and give it away
6.  Promote this video to your list

The tools are worthless to an affiliate unless they know what to do. Give them a plan and they will take action.

The Affiliate Registration Page

You also want to follow up with your affiliates to keep them motivated. So you’ll need to set up an affiliate registration page. This doesn’t have to be complicated. Just set up a separate list at Aweber and create an opt-in form. Write a short

“salesletter” for your affiliate program, add the opt-in form and you’re done. Note: your customers will often be your best affiliates. So you’ll want to promote your affiliate program on your download page and in followups to your customers.

It’s important to really “sell” your affiliate program and give people a strong incentive to join.

For example: you could give your affiliates a training manual that shows them how to generate traffic and add an ecover graphic to your affiliate registration page.
You also need to explain the terms of your affiliate program (how, when and how much they get paid) and list the benefits of joining your team.

Step 4: Recruit Your Affiliate Team

The last step is to recruit a lot of affiliates who can each send you a little bit of traffic. If you have 100 affiliates each sending 10 visitors per day, that’s 1,000 people coming to your site every single day!

Internet marketers often talk about “super affiliates” (people who already have a big list and know how to promote) and how you should focus on the “big dogs” to bring you traffic.

Well if you’re just starting out and selling a $10 report, it’s not very likely that you’ll land a JV with a “top gun” Internet marketer. But if you get enough people to send you a little bit of traffic, that adds up to a lot of people visiting your site and going through your sales funnel.

It’s important to note that your general subscribers and customers can also be your affiliates. And while “super affiliates” may send you more traffic initially, it’s your dedicated affiliate team who will send you consistent traffic in the long run.

Hint: part of your follow-up system should include reminders to your subscribers and customers that they can make money by promoting your site.

Finding Affiliates

The first thing you should do, is get on the lists of every top Internet marketer who is selling products in your market. Just go to ClickBank and visit the sites of the top 20 products in your market and sign up to their lists then go to and get on all their lists.

Once you’re on their lists, watch the products they promote, visit those sites and sign up to the lists of those marketers too.
Once you’re on at least 50 lists, you’ll start to see the types of products they promote, the types of campaigns they run and how many times they run them. And like I said, marketers who promote affiliate products similar to yours will make your best affiliates.

Hint: Being on all these lists is also a great way to build a “swipe file” of sample ads and articles to use in your email promotions.

Another great way to find list owners is through ezine directories. Just sign up with ezines in relevant categories, watch what they promote, and get on those lists too.

Here are a few ezine directories to get you started:

There are literally thousands of ezines and general marketing lists that you can sign up for – so you’ll have an endless supply of potential affiliates.  And once you’ve found the 50 or so people you want to work with, you can unsubscribe from the other lists.

Contacting Potential Affiliates

Do you want the “Good News” or the “Bad News” first?  (Let’s do the bad news and get it out of the way.)

You need to accept the fact that, especially when you’re just starting out, more people are going to say “No” than “Yes” when you approach them – especially if you’re new or unknown. Don’t take it personally. If someone says no, just go to the next person on the list.

The “Good News” is that you don’t need to have very many affiliates to be successful. Remember, you just need that initial push to get the ball rolling and start building a team of affiliates from the leads and customers that you acquire in the process.

In fact, if you contact 500 people and only 10% agree to promote you, prepare for a flurry of traffic and sales!

And by the way, you don’t need to contact anywhere near 500 people to get started – if you set up your initial approach and structure your request the right way, you could get 20, 30 even 40% of people to say “Yes.”

Here is a sample email use. It is simply meant to generate a reply. If you give them the full details, they may reject your offer without even talking to you. This way, you can follow up with a more aggressive email if they don’t reply.
Most affiliate marketers are busy people, so keep it short and to the point. But it doesn’t hurt to start with a little flattery. ;o)

Hi {!firstname}

My name is [Your Name] and I’ve been a subscriber of yours for some time. I really enjoy your [articles, tips, etc.]. I especially enjoyed the one about [some topic].

I own [] and would like to discuss a possible joint venture with you.

Look forward to hearing from you.


[Your Name]
[Your email]
[Your phone]
[Your IM]

That’s it - short, simple, and to the point.

Once you contact someone, add him or her to a spreadsheet or any document so you know who you’ve contacted (name, email, ezine name, date contacted, etc.).
If they reply to your email, send them your offer and then remove them from the contact list. Keep contacting people and adding new people to your affiliate contact list on a regular basis.

That’s your affiliate recruiting strategy. And trust me…it works like crazy!

Your presence in a particular market may start small but eventually you want to be one of the “Players” in that market. Then you can start doing JVs with the “Big Dogs.”

I’ll be going through each of these steps in greater depth, so if you don’t fully grasp everything you just read – that’s okay! Just know that this business model has the potential to be as big as you want it to be.

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