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Mandriva InstantOn

Mandriva InstantOn 
Ubuntu All Version & Mandrake 
All the more advanced features of Linux, it's almost all editions bootable version of Linux support, and flash for linux users, the more people fall in love with this program, please try linux program and this article may be useful for the visitors of this site

Installation guide

Thanks for you interest in Mandriva InstantOn. This document will help you to install and start with this
new environment through few very easy steps.

Copy of InstantOn image on installation media

First download iso file then you will have to dump it on an installation media: a CD or a USB key.

Installation based on CD 
Ouvrez votre logiciel de gravure favori et choisissez de graver une image sur CD.

Installation based on a USB key 

You cn also dump iso image on a USB key, which can be really handfull if you do not have any CD or DVD

drive.  You can make this step easy thanks to graphical tools.

On Linux  : download Mandriva Seed for Linux, available in same directory as  InstantOn image file. Plug

your USB key and launch Mandriva Seed.

In   « Use   an   existing   Live   CD »   menu,   select   your   iso   image   file   for   InstantOn   available   on   your   system.

« Targetted device » lists detected USB key. Click on « Create Live USB », it's done!

Warning: do not stop copy process on USB key.

On Windows XP : download Mandriva Seed for Windows. Use same steps above.

On Windows XP, Vista or Seven : download UNetbootin   available in same directory as InstantOn image

file. Launch it.

Choose « Diskimage »« ISO » typilistBrowse youdisk and select InstantOn imageCheck that « USB Drive » is selected and click on OK.

Warning: do not stop copy process on USB key.

Installation of Mandriva InstantOn

Let start now InstantOn installation on your machine.

Boot your computer on install media

Insert your CD or plug your USB key. Turn on your PC. Your system should detect Mandriva Flash and ask you  whether to boot from the hard disk as normal or from the USB key. On some systems, you may need to press a key  to choose  the  boot   device   or   configure  the  BIOS  boot   device  precedence.   Refer   to  the  next  section   for instructions on configuring the BIOS.

Install process is starting

Note : Check BIOS configuration to start in USB key

The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is used to setup hardware devices and then boot an operating system on the PC platform. On most systems, you should press the Del key to enter BIOS settings while the system is booting   up   (during   the   memory   test).   Other   vendors   use   the   'ESC'   key   or   the  F2  key   to   access   the   BIOS. IBM/Lenovo   machines   also   have   a   blue   Access/ThinkVantage   key   that   you   can   use   to   access   the   BIOS configuration screen. If none of these keys work, refer to the PC manufacturer manual for specific instructions. Go to the page 'BIOS Features Setup' (also sometimes called  Advanced BIOS Features  or  Boot Options) and   set   the   flash   drive   as  First   Boot   Device.   You   can   see   your   computer   or   motherboard   manual   for instructions on how to use the BIOS configuration screen.
Language setting

Set your preferred language for the product.
Licence validation

Read and accept licensing terms.
Keyboard layout

The   configuration   wizard   will   propose   the   most   probable   layout   for   your   keyboard,   based   on   the   regional

settings you choose. You can select another layout among the list of available choices.


In this  step,  you can set up  your  own partition layout, or let installer do it for you. If you already have other  systems installed on your machine, Linux or Windows, you can choose to keep them or remove them. Install on hard disk: when partitioning is completed, the system image will be copied to the hard disk.  A   progress   bar will show you the state of this process.

If you use custom partitioning, you will have to ensure following requirements: one partition, size must be at

least 1,5 Gb, using ext4 type. Swap is not required. Click on OK. Partition(s) will be formatted.

Install on hard disk  

Install process starts. Be carefull not to stop it before end.
Boot manager installation
A new boot manager will be installed to boot your new Mandriva Linux system. If you still have other operating

systems installed, they will be included in the new manager.
Install step is now finished. You can unplug USB key or remove CD. Reboot is now in progress.

Discover your new environment
Your   system   is   now   booted.   Fist   screen   allows   you   to   choose   one   of   the   installed   system   or   Mandriva InstantOn. Select it. After a few seconds, your environment is available.

Main menu abd task bar

Main menu

You can acces 3 main fields:
     Multimedia applications
     Web browsing using Mozilla Firefox
     Other applications

Task bar
Froleft to right side you will find:
     Battery levelif you installed InstantOn on laptop
     Network level (connection status, signal for wireless connections)
     Sound mixe
     Restart / stop systebutton

Multimedia menu

In Multimedia menyou will find:

     Audio center to read and manage all your audio collections, listen to Interneradios
     Video player

Aany time you can click on arrow on left higto gback to main menu.

Applications menu

You will find in Applications menu:

    Multi protocolesInstant messaging client   (ICQ, MSN, IRC,   Yahoo,   AIM,   Google Talk,   MySpaceIM, Gadu­GaduGroupwise...)
     Skype client
    Mail client Mozilla-Thunderbird to send anreceive mails, manage RSS feeds, manage contacts...
     A complete tool to manage your network connections

General information on product

You will find more information on

Mandriva community

Mandriva community is composeball Mandrivusers. Forums and knowledgbase cahelyoin a very 
handfull way. For more information:

     home page for Mandriva community :

     community forums:

     hardware compatibility list:

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