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Times have changed, the hackers had dared to show his teeth to come down the mountain and find prey even not only that, they dared to offer himself for a crucial break in accordance with the fee


Such as: Receiving Services HDD Password Hacking, Hacking Software, Hacking Facebook, Hacking Credit Cards, Atm hacking, Hacking Yahoo and Gmail, Hacking Paypal and many more services they offer, even they can do so freely without being tracked, although there has been Regulation of Cyber Crime.In fact, hackers often offer services on the Internet. Trojan, a virus, attacking the server, and even provide information as well as breaking into credit cards. When the price accordingly, the request will be sent.There have been many incidents and casualties as a drained bank account, e-mail can not be accessed again, and the password is rejected Facabook fairly common today. Perpetrators are not only people across the country. Often, perpetrators are people we know who uses the service offerings via the Internet with relatively cheap price.

For example, "FamousHope" with her 10 dollars. 18 year old from the forum "" This can give the password of your e-mail and Facebook are requested. If the account that the target can already uprooted, hackers must request payment in advance. Within a few days, the customer who wants to use his services grew older.

Many forum members who feel uneasy with the act of "FamousHope" this. Not only that action is wrong, both morally and legally, but the services offered are very cheap. In the "Premium Sellers Section", offered many other services, such as credit card information. The amount is not small, hackers offers hundreds of credit card numbers along with names and addresses. If the card number has been blocked, customers can request a new number for free. The PIN number will be provided if willing to pay more. Its value depends on the balance of the card account. If the balance is great, PIN numbers can be offered up to 1,000 dollars.

In the subforum "Premium Section", just a hacker who has trusted that may offer the service. Distrust among fellow actors also appear cybercrime. Behind the trojans that are sold, veiled attempt to peek at customers own. Conversely, members who have "Trusted" typically offer such services performed by the software company. Trojans and viruses are available in various packages. The version contains only minimal features destroyer program. By spending more, the virus can still be optimized so as not detected by antivirus. Meanwhile, his promising Deluxe version updates for life.

Hacker Pro: Not Appear In Underground Forum
 According to Thomas Gunther, from anti-malware company Emsisoft, the worry is unnecessary. "Hackers are really - really has the ability to not play in the forum - a forum like that", he stressed. Rather - rather monitor the forum - forum, Emsisoft using a honeypot, a computer without the protection of its attractive and catch the new virus. "Expert - expert analysis of new malware we gather in this way and make the signature is to be found automatically," explained Gunther.

Christian Funk, antivirus experts at Kaspersky, explaining that the risks arising from services - services such hackers actually higher, "Program - destroyer program is designed to order and can also be used by others. Support is given in different languages. That is, show a higher risk for all computer users. "However, there is no intention to monitor the forum - forum hackers. Files - the infected files can be sent to the server of Kaspersky Security Network. When including malware, Kaspersky immediately issue a new update to their antivirus program.

Instead, Symantec has released Norton Security antivirus constantly monitor the forum - the forum. "We follow the services - services such as an observer only, obviously Stefan Wesche, one security expert Symantec. He himself was not worried. "Generally, only a destroyer program that has been modified from known viruses. "Although the virus is not detected, the update is available immediately for an antivirus program.

The professional hacker has a special order. At last summer, Siemens found a virus with the name "Stuxnet" on their industrial facilities, ranging from the U.S. to South Korea. This virus has over 5,000 different functions. The target is a control program on the installation - Installation of Siemens. The worm uses a security hole that still has not been detected in Windows. Not only is the information database that can be read, but hackers can also control the installation remotely. Is this the world of industrial espionage or extortion? Everything is still unclear. Of course the worm is not sold in the forum.

ACTIVITIES biggest malware

1. USA 23%

2. CHINA 9%

Penalties for Internet attacks in Indonesia

Cyber attacks became daily on the Internet. The following sanctions - sanctions that apply in Indonesia according to Law no. 11/2008 ITE.
Peeking password, email, account or credit card information: a maximum prison sentence of 7 years.
Damage the goods through virus attacks and DOS attacks: a maximum prison sentence of 10 years.
Falsification of documents on credit card: a maximum prison sentence of 12 years
Rob someone else's account (including fraud, fraud): Prison sentences up to 8 years, for severe cases to 10 years.


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